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Featured Ebooks
1.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1167_a.jpgEBOOK: THE TOOLBOX FOR BUILDING A GREAT FAMILY DOG, by Terry Ryan
Item: DTB1167EBK
Terry Ryan is one of the most well-known figures in the world of positive dog training. She has been a mentor to a generation of trainers world-wide. In The Toolbox for Building a Great Family Dog, Terry presents a complete guide to help families raise a happy and well-mannered dog using techniques and games that are both fun and effective. Though this is a new book with a new focus, some will recognize parts from several of Terry's previous books, the original Toolbox For Remodelling Your Problem Dog, Coaching People To Train Their Dogs and The Bark Stops Here. The focus of this book is the family dog and all that phrase implies including the interactions between kids and dogs, household management strategies, common behavioral problems and training games the whole family (and dog!) can enjoy.
Price: $9.95 Click HERE for more information

2.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB852_a.jpgEBOOK: LIVING WITH KIDS AND DOGS WITHOUT LOSING YOUR MIND, by Colleen Pelar
Item: DTB852EBK
At last! A kids-and-dogs book written by someone who "gets it!" Simple, realistic advice for busy parents to help ensure that the relationship between their kids and their dog is safe and enjoyable for all.
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information


3. http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB464_a.jpgEBOOK: CULTURE CLASH, by Jean Donaldson
Item: DTB464EBK
2005 Expanded Edition!
The book that has shaped modern thinking about canine behavior and the relationship between dogs and humans has been revised. Dogs are not humans. Dogs are clever and complex creatures that humans need to take the time to understand in order to live together successfully. You must read this book... because your dog sure can't!
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information


Item: DTB721EBK
Now you have your puppy, the clock is ticking! You need to meet three more developmental deadlines before your puppy is five months old.
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information

5. http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB190_a.jpgEBOOK: HOW TO TEACH A NEW DOG OLD TRICKS, by Ian Dunbar
Item: DTB190EBK
These off-leash, lure-reward techniques work on puppies and adult dogs alike. Witty, humane, reliable and FUN! Revised.
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information


6.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dtb919_a.jpgEBOOK: WHEN PIGS FLY - TRAINING SUCCESS WITH IMPOSSIBLE DOGS, by Jane Killion
Item: DTB919EBK
Some breeds of dogs and mixes have a reputation as "impossible" to train. Hounds, terriers, and other breeds are often called pig-headed and even untrainable. Learn these "Pigs Fly" methods and take advantage of the natural strengths of these independent and intelligent dogs. Help your dog become a wonderful companion or a formidable canine athlete. Clicker and reward-based training that is fun to use.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information

7.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB500_a.jpgEBOOK: EXCEL-ERATED LEARNING - EXPLAINING HOW DOGS LEARN AND HOW BEST TO TEACH THEM, by Pamela Reid, PhD
Item: DTB500EBK
Motivation, stages of learning, operant conditioning, factors that affect learning, negative punishment -- in plain English -- at last! Select the methods that work best for your dog! Please note that the PDF version of this eBook is a little grainy but still very readable because it is a scan of the original book
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information

8. http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB975_a.jpgEBOOK: THE DOG AGGRESSION WORKBOOK, 3RD EDITION, by James O'Heare
Item: DTB975EBK
The Dog Aggression Workbook is an interactive guide for guardians of dogs who behave aggressively. The workbook presents a systematic and highly efficient and effective, positive reinforcement-based approach to understanding, assessing and changing aggressive behaviors in dogs.
Price: $13.95Click HERE for more information

9.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1099_a.jpgEBOOK: SEPARATION DISTRESS AND DOGS, by James O'Heare
Item: DTB1099EBK
Separation Distress and Dogs is a positive reinforcement based workbook for understanding, assessing and changing separation distress related behaviors in dogs.
Price: $13.95Click HERE for more information

Item: DTB916EBK
A comprehensive technical manual, written for dog behavior professionals. How to assess the problem, constructing systematic behavior change programs, and case management techniques. Includes an extensive glossary and bibliography.
Price: $34.95 Click HERE for more information

Item: DTB1173EBK
Changing Problem Behavior is a manual for managing behavior change projects from the functional assessment of problem behaviors, through constructing and implementing a behavior change program and transitioning to the ongoing maintenance of changes.
Price: $14.95 Click HERE for more information

12.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dtb859_a.jpgEBOOK: DOGS BITE - BUT BALLOONS AND SLIPPERS ARE MORE DANGEROUS, by Janis Bradley
Item: DTB859EBK
Dogs enhance the lives of millions more people than even the most inflated estimates of dog-bite victims. It's not even close! Gain a new perspective on this issue and learn strategies to minimize the number of bites that do occur.
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information

13.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/cdn211_a.jpgEBOOK: SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM - THE FACTS ABOUT ANIMAL VACCINATION, PET FOOD AND HOW TO KEEP YOUR PETS HEALTHY, by Catherine O'Driscoll
Item: CDN211EBK
In this well researched book, you will discover how typical vaccination protocols and environmental and genetic factors may be combining to turn your dog, cat, or horse into a ticking time-bomb of health problems, and how you can improve your pet’s health and longevity.
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information

14.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DSL160_a.jpgEBOOK: CARTING WITH YOUR DOG - POSITIVE DRAFT TRAINING FOR FUN AND COMPETITION, by Laura Waldbaum
Item: DSL160EBK
Don’t put the dog before the cart…until he is trained! Many people love the idea of being able to hitch their dogs to a cart and have them pull the kids around the yard or in a parade. Or they have a breed of dog that has been bred to work as a draft dog and are interested in participating in competitions held by clubs around the country that test both dog and handler’s skill pulling a cart. While this may seem simple, training a dog to willingly and safely do the work to pull a cart actually involves a lot of learning and effort on the part of both the dog and the handler. In this new book, author Laura Waldbaum will teach you what you and your dog need to know to help develop a “happy draft dog.”
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


15.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/CDN201_a.jpgEBOOK: RAW MEATY BONES, by Tom Lonsdale
Item: CDN201EBK
Feeding a natural, unprocessed diet is needed now more than ever. A complete and authoritative reference on the benefits of a raw food diet for your dog. Written by Australian veterinarian Tom Lonsdale, leader in raw feeding, this exhaustively researched book provides a suggested diet, feeding tips, and do's and don'ts.
Price: $14.95Click HERE for more information

16.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dn230_a.jpgEBOOK: WORK WONDERS - FEED YOUR DOG RAW MEATY BONES, by Tom Lonsdale
Item: DN230EBK
Work Wonders leads the reader through the practical essentials of dog feeding including how to find sources, store, and prepare raw food. It also deals with risk management, junk-food induced diseases afflicting modern pets and the epidemic of canine oral disease and “dog breath.” By the author of Raw Meaty Bones.
Price: $9.49 Click HERE for more information
17.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DN208_a.jpgEBOOK: RAW DOG FOOD - MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU AND YOUR DOG, by Carina Beth MacDonald
Item: DN208EBK
Raw feeding is one of the hottest topics in dog care today. You may have heard about the “BARF” diet — Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods. Learn why and how to feed your dog this new (but really OLD) diet that is designed to mimic what wild canines would eat; raw meat and bones. Learn how to prepare food quickly, economically, and safely.

Price: $8.95Click HERE for more informationRating:
18.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DN310_a.jpgEBOOK: UNLOCKING THE CANINE ANCESTRAL DIET - HEALTHIER DOG FOOD THE ABC WAY, by Steve Brown
Item: DN310EBK
Steve Brown, an expert on canine nutrition, shows how you can bring the benefits of the canine ancestral diet to your dog by feeding him differently as little as just one day a week. And no, you won’t need to lead a pack of dogs on a hunting expedition! Just follow Steve’s well-researched and easy to follow ABCs to make improvements to whatever your dog currently eats.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information

Item: DTB1116EBK
Following the success of his books "The Dog Whisperer, 2nd Edition" and "The Puppy Whisperer," Paul Owens introduces a groundbreaking new approach to addressing and solving specific problem behaviors and encouraging great ones in his newest book.
Price: $8.99 Click HERE for more information

20.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB967_a.jpgTHE PUPPY WHISPERER - A COMPASSIONATE, NONVIOLENT GUIDE TO EARLY TRAINING AND CARE, by Paul Owens; Terence Cranendonk
Item: DTB967EBK
Following the success of his book The Dog Whisperer, Paul Owens turns his attention to puppies. In The Puppy Whisperer, Owens and his protégé Terence Cranendonk offer a compassionate step-by-step guide to all things puppy.
Price: $8.99Click HERE for more information

21.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dtb633_a.jpgEBOOK: THE DOG WHISPERER, 2ND EDITION, by Paul Owens
Item: DTB633EBK
A compassionate, nonviolent approach to dog training! Learn body language, reward-based training, clicker & target training, how to humanely solve behavioral problems such as jumping, barking, digging, chewing, and mouthing.
Price: $8.99Click HERE for more information

Item: DTB1026EBK
Revised Edition with new exercises and photos! Filled with easy-to-read and implement strategies, techniques, exercises and games, Dee walks the reader through over fifty methods of addressing canine fear and aggression. The simple and effective exercises will have you and your dog, or your clients and their dogs, well on the way to a happy relationship. Strictly positive methods!
Price: $13.95 Click HERE for more information


23.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DKN127_a.jpgEBOOK: ALL ABOUT DOG DAYCARE - A BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS, by Robin K. Bennett
Item: DKN127EBK
For the new business owner who wants to start a daycare or the established owner of a vet, kennel or petsitting business who wants to add daycare.
Price: $12.95 Click HERE for more information


24.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB798_a.jpgEBOOK: FIGHT! - A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE TREATMENT OF DOG-DOG AGGRESSION, by Jean Donaldson
Item: DTB798EBK
A practical guide to the treatment of dog-dog aggression, this down-to-earth manual will teach you how to use behavior modification to retrain a dog that bullies other dogs or becomes fearful when approached by other dogs.
Price: $9.49 Click HERE for more information

25.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB740_a.jpgEBOOK: MINE! - A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO RESOURCE GUARDING IN DOGS, by Jean Donaldson
Item: DTB740EBK
A practical how-to guide on resource guarding/aggression - food bowl, object, bed, crate, owner, etc. - in dogs. From the popular author of Culture Clash, Dogs Are From Neptune, and Oh Behave!
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


26.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTO213_a.jpgEBOOK: IT'S NOT THE DOGS, IT'S THE PEOPLE!, by Nicole Wilde
Item: DTO213EBK
Includes basic human-training skills, family dynamics, working with kids, training hordes of wild humans, dealing with difficult personality types, sticky situations, personal safely, and more. Discover powerful, practical techniques you can apply immediately.
Price: $9.99Click HERE for more information

27.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTO208_a.jpgEBOOK: SO YOU WANT TO BE A DOG TRAINER, 2ND EDITION, by Nicole Wilde
Item: DTO208EBK
Step-by-step advice from a professional, for any aspiring dog trainer! Nicole Wilde is widely recognized for her expertise in what it takes to run a successful dog training business. New edition has expanded resources and product information and updated marketing advice.
Price: $9.99 Click HERE for more information

Item: DTO243EBK
There is a lot more to working with aggression cases than mastering methods and techniques. In her practical, down-to-earth, and often humorous style, Nicole Wilde presents all the other information trainers need to know in order to work effectively, safely, and successfully with aggressive dogs.
Price: $9.99Click HERE for more information

29.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1179_a.jpgEBOOK: DON'T LEAVE ME - STEP-BY-STEP HELP FOR YOUR DOG'S SEPARATION ANXIETY, by Nicole Wilde
Item: DTB1179EBK
Yet another beautifully written book by Nicole Wilde. Nicole combines her expertise in behavior modification with easy to follow guidelines, useful resources, and alternative remedies. This book will be extremely helpful to any owner of a dog with separation issues. – Ian Dunbar, Founder of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers

Although this book is aimed at owners, professional dog trainers and behavior specialists will find a wealth of information and specific tricks and tips to share with their clients as well. This interactive workbook will guide you step by step to teach your dog to feel comfortable when left alone.
Price: $9.99 Click HERE for more information

Item: CDN226EBK
Anyone can learn energy healing, and this book makes it simple. You’ll get clear explanations backed by scientific studies, step-by-step exercises, and plenty of photographs. With a bit of practice, you will soon be channelling life force energy through your hands to dogs. You’ll learn to “scan” for problem areas, relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation, heal emotional issues with the “heart-centered” technique, learn about special considerations for working with shelter dogs, and more. There is an entire chapter dedicated to commonly asked questions, and another on do-it-yourself energy experiments you can try right away.
Price: $9.99Click HERE for more information


Item: DTB799EBK
This book helps dog owners and trainers to understand the reactive dog and help him change for the better. All training methods and classroom techniques are non-force and based on developing a ‘working relationship’ with your dog. Easy to read and understand, 148 pages, with 68 photographs and graphics to help you improve behavior and solve problems.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


32.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1162_a.jpgEBOOK: QUICK CLICKS - FAST AND FUN BEHAVIORS TO TEACH YOUR DOG WITH A CLICKER 2nd Ed., by Mandy Book & Cheryl Smith
Item: DTB1162EBK
Clicker training for dogs is becoming more popular with both dog trainers and pet dog owners. But sometimes the science behind this very effective training method gets in the way of what the owner really wants to do—to teach their dogs lots of fun and useful behaviors. Authors Cheryl Smith and Mandy Book have a written step-by-step training manual to help you apply clicker training to a wide range of basic and fun dog behaviors no matter what your experience level. The focus is on getting results to get you and your dog clicking!
Price: $9.95Click HERE for more information


Item: DTB1146EBK
Would you like to live in harmony in a house with multiple dogs?! It can most easily be obtained when positive reinforcement training techniques are used, along with proper living space management and good feeding habits. You'll learn how to do all those things in this book.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information

34.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DSH160_a.jpgEBOOK: AN EYE FOR A DOG - ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO JUDGING PUREBRED DOGS, by Robert Cole
Item: DSH160EBK
With this book you can develop your own eye for sound movement and structure. You get to actively participate in over 100 judging scenarios similar to what a judge encounters in the show ring and compare your opinion with the author’s.
Price: $14.95Click HERE for more information

35.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dgt240_a.jpgEBOOK: TRY TRACKING! - THE PUPPY TRACKING PRIMER, by Carolyn Krause
Item: DGT240EBK
A positive approach to teaching your dog to track, suitable for ANY dog... from very young puppies to seniors!
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information

36.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dn207_a.jpgEBOOK: CANINE MASSAGE - A COMPLETE REFERENCE MANUAL, by Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt
Item: DN207EBK
Learn the techniques of a recognized expert in the field so that you can bring the well-known benefits of massage to your own dog or become a canine massage specialist. Well illustrated with over 100 illustrations and 100 photos, detailed examinations of muscular stress points, diagnoses and treatments. Excellent source of information on dog anatomy as well. DVD is now available also!
Price: $13.95 Click HERE for more information

37.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1010_a.jpgEBOOK: THE ETHICAL DOG TRAINER - A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR CANINE PROFESSIONALS, by Jim Barry
Item: DTB1010EBK
Author Jim Barry dives deep into the ethical questions frequently faced by dog trainers and offers up a systematic approach to helping trainers resolve difficult dilemmas. The goal of this book is to help all dog trainers raise the quality of choices and make things better for clients and dogs.

AABP 2008 Multi-Media Awards for Excellence - Winner of the Best Dog Book of 2008 (miscellaneous category)

Price: $9.49 Click HERE for more information

38.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dtb808_a.jpgEBOOK: BRINGING LIGHT TO SHADOW - A DOG TRAINER'S DIARY, by Pamela Dennison
Item: DTB808EBK
Follow the journey of a second-hand Border Collie and his professional dog trainer/owner in this warts-and-all diary of their lives over 18 months. Every owner or trainer who has ever lived or worked with an aggressive dog will gain new insights from Shadow.
Price: $9.95  Click HERE for more information

39.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB771_a.jpgEBOOK: POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES - LOVE YOUR DOG, TRAIN YOUR DOG, by Pat Miller
Item: DTB771EBK
A complete dog training, puppy raising, problem solving, and basic health guide. Written as a series of columns in “Whole Dog Journal.”
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information

40.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1061_A.jpgEBOOK: CHILL OUT FIDO! - HOW TO CALM YOUR DOG, by Nan Arthur
Item: DTB1061EBK
Does your dog go bonkers when the doorbell rings or when you grab the leash to take him for a walk? Getting your dog to calm down and relax is one of the most common challenges pet parents face. This two-part book will help you first identify the factors that cause this kind of behavior in dogs, then it provides you with eleven key training exercises to teach your dog how to calm down, pay attention to you, relax, and respond to every day situations with confidence and composure.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


41.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DN304_a.jpgEBOOK: THE HEALTHY WAY TO STRETCH YOUR DOG - A PHYSICAL THERAPY APPROACH, by Sasha Foster and Ashley Foster
Item: DN304EBK
You have probably heard that humans need to stretch for good health. So do dogs. Now you can learn how to safely and effectively stretch your dog to prevent injuries, maintain joint integrity, and improve you dog’s fitness whether he is an elite canine athlete or a lap dog.
Price: $14.95Click HERE for more information

42.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DG223_a.jpgEBOOK: DOG BREEDERS PROFESSIONAL SECRETS - ETHICAL BREEDING PRACTICES, by Sylvia Smart
Item: DG223EBK
Becoming a dog breeder is a significant undertaking. And there is so much more you need to know to be a successful breeder beyond just knowing how to whelp and raise puppies. Dog Breeders Professional Secrets goes well beyond other books to tell you what it takes to be a successful and ethical dog breeder. Sylvia Smart shares her real-life experiences (both good and bad) and explores dozens of issues that a prospective breeder must consider to build a high quality dog breeding business.
Price: $9.95  Click HERE for more information

Item: DTA352EBK
You might have a dog who you think will be a super-star on the agility course, but unless you work with him “from the ground up,” you may end up being disappointed. Author Kim Collins takes the position that there is a lot of training and relationship building that needs to go on before you ever begin to train the specific skills needed for agility. So this is the perfect book for you if you have a puppy or a young dog and are planning a career in agility in the future as it provides a complete training plan for both his pre-agility work and when he is ready to head out on the course.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information

44.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DSH170_a.jpgEBOOK: DOG SHOW JUDGING - THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY, by Chris Walkowicz
Item: DSH170EBK
Look beyond the television image of a focused man or woman awarding ribbons and learn what it’s really like to judge dogs! Chris Walkowicz, a successful exhibitor and one of the top AKC judges, explains with humor and warmth how she, and others as committed as she is, learn their craft. Find out how judges get started, build their skills, and acquire their judging credentials. And learn about all the other things a judge must master including travel hassles, finances, and record keeping.
Price: $9.49 Click HERE for more information


45.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DG228_a.jpgEBOOK: ADVANCED CANINE REPRODUCTION AND PUPPY CARE, by Myra Savant-Harris
Item: DG228EBK
Myra Savant Harris, through her books, seminars, and active participation in online forums and lists, is a one woman support system for hundreds of breeders everywhere. Building upon the success of her previously published Puppy Intensive Care and Canine Reproduction and Whelping, Myra’s latest book—based on her popular seminar of the same name—explores a number of additional issues and questions in her own unique style. Readers will gain new insights and learn valuable techniques based on Myra’s many years of breeding and whelping puppies and more than 20 years of labor and delivery and neonatal nursing.
Price: $16.95Click HERE for more information

46.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dtb862_a.jpgEBOOK: THE CLICKED RETRIEVER, by Lana Mitchell
Item: DTB862EBK
The retrieve is one of the most difficult skills for most dogs to master in competitive obedience. It is difficult because it involves a long series of steps that the dog must learn in order to complete the exercise successfully. Many trainers are realizing that teaching a complex series of behaviors like this is most easily done through the use of clicker training.
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

47.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DEG725_a.jpgEBOOK: DOG FRIENDLY GARDENS - GARDEN FRIENDLY DOGS, by Cheryl Smith
Item: DEG725EBK
Dog Friendly Gardens will show you how to design your garden with your dog in mind and be your guide to dog-friendly training efforts.
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

48.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DG219_a.jpgEBOOK: CANINE REPRODUCTION AND WHELPING - A DOG BREEDER'S GUIDE, by Myra Savant-Harris
Item: DG219EBK
Whether you’re a “first-timer” or an experienced breeder, you’ll learn something important from this book. Down-to-earth and easy to understand!
Price: $14.49Click HERE for more information

49.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1038_a.jpgEBOOK: TALES OF TWO SPECIES - ESSAYS ON LOVING AND LIVING WITH DOGS, by Patricia McConnell
Item: DTB1038EBK
Have you ever caught yourself wondering just what your dog is thinking when he suddenly drops and rolls around on his back in ecstasy? In these 30+ thought-provoking essays author and behaviorist, Dr. Patricia McConnell, helps us gain insights into the dog-human relationship and the genius of the family dog.
Price: $9.49 .Click HERE for more information

50.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1029_a.jpgEBOOK: GOOD DOG! - KIDS TEACH KIDS ABOUT DOG BEHAVIOR AND TRAINING, by Evelyn Pang & Hilary Louie
Item: DTB1029EBK
What is it that kids need to know about dogs? How to be safe around dogs, how to recognize what a dog is doing, and how to learn the right way to train a dog are three good places to start. And, of course, it's really cool if the authors understand kids and speak their language, which in the case of Good Dog! they do because the authors are kids themselves. A fun and educational book on dogs, written by kids for kids!
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

51.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB909_a.jpgEBOOK: STRESS IN DOGS - LEARN HOW DOGS SHOW STRESS AND WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP, by Martina Scholz & Clarissa von Reinhardt
Item: DTB909EBK
Learn how to identify and resolve more than 30 signs of stress in dogs and help your dog live a longer, happier life. Includes dozens of full color illustrations.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information

52.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DG215_a.jpgEBOOK: PUPPY INTENSIVE CARE - A BREEDER'S GUIDE TO CARE OF NEWBORN PUPPIES, by Myra Savant-Harris
Item: DG215EBK
If puppies are on the way, you want those newborns to have the best possible chance of survival and good health by being prepared. You can’t count on a vet being available, so breeders need to learn these skills. Learn how to administer simple but effective measures to help puppies in distress. Described in friendly, non-technical terms from a long-time breeder.
Price: $15.95Click HERE for more information

53.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB864_a.jpgEBOOK: RIGHT ON TARGET! - TAKING DOG TRAINING TO A NEW LEVEL, by Mandy Book & Cheryl Smith
Item: DTB864EBK
Teaching a dog to follow a “target” is the best way to train both simple and complicated behaviors. Targeting is useful for everything from training the family dog to competitive obedience and agility.
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

54.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DEG867_a.jpgEBOOK: FROM HOOFBEATS TO DOGSTEPS - A LIFE OF LISTENING TO AND LEARNING FROM ANIMALS, by Rachel Page Elliott
Item: DEG867EBK
Born to a loving and educated New England family, Rachel Page Elliott, known to all as Pagey, was encouraged to develop her interests and talents wherever they would lead her. And lead her they did, to a life-long fascination with animals, first to horses, then to dogs. Each passion created adventures and opportunities that make her life story so fascinating.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


55.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1011_a.jpgEBOOK: PLAY WITH YOUR DOG, by Pat Miller
Item: DTB1011EBK
Play behaviors have important learning and health benefits that help dogs become well-adjusted members of both their canine and human families. Pat includes dozens of game ideas collected from trainers all over the country you can try out with your dog(s).
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


56.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dtb880_a.jpgEBOOK: THE DOG TRAINER'S RESOURCE - APDT CHRONICLE OF THE DOG COLLECTION, by Mychelle Blake, Editor
Item: DTB880EBK
This collection of articles from APDT’s “Chronicle of the Dog” will prove a valuable resource for trainers and would-be trainers. Learn what you need to know from experts like Bob Bailey, Jean Donaldson, Ian Dunbar, Nicole Wilde, Sue Sternberg, and Karen Overall.
Price: $13.95Click HERE for more information


57.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1020_a.jpgEBOOK: THE DOG TRAINER'S RESOURCE 2 - APDT CHRONICLE OF THE DOG COLLECTION, by Mychelle Blake, Editor
Item: DTB1020EBK
When the first volume of The Dog Trainer’s Resource was published in 2007, it became a resounding success among professional dog trainers and behaviorists. This new volume, The Dog Trainer’s Resource 2, contains more cutting edge information written for dog trainers collected from dog training’s most influential magazine, The APDT Chronicle of the Dog, published by the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Subjects covered in this book range from puppy training and socialization to working with veterinarians and how to run the business end of the leash.
Price: $13.95Click HERE for more information


58.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1154_a.jpgEBOOK: DO OVER DOGS - GIVE YOUR DOG A SECOND CHANCE FOR A FIRST CLASS LIFE, by Pat Miller
Item: DTB1154EBK
What exactly is a Do-Over Dog? It might be a shelter dog you’re working with to help her become more adoptable. Perhaps it’s the dog you’ve adopted, rescued, or even found running stray who is now yours to live with and love…forever. Or it could be the dog you’ve lived with for years but you realize he still has “issues” that make him a challenging canine companion. A Do-Over Dog is any dog that you think needs—make that deserves—a second chance in life.
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

59.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DSH166_a.jpgEBOOK: POSITIVE TRAINING FOR SHOW DOGS - BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP FOR SUCCESS, by Vicki Ronchette
Item: DSH166EBK
Get outstanding showing results by using positive reinforcement methods including clicker training and lure/reward methods. Written by a dog show person for dog show people!
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

60.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DKN135_a.jpgEBOOK: HOW TO RUN A DOG BUSINESS - PUTTING YOUR CAREER WHERE YOUR HEART IS, by Veronica Boutelle
Item: DKN135EBK
To succeed as a dog pro, you’ll need more than dog expertise—you’ll need business savvy as well. Veronica Boutelle, the industry’s top consultant, gives you the information you need to start, operate, and prosper in your chosen field. Covers dog trainers, pet sitters, dog daycares, and dog walking businesses. Maybe it's time for a new career!
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information


61.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB965_a.jpgEBOOK: OH BEHAVE! - DOGS FROM PAVLOV TO PREMACK TO PINKER, by Jean Donaldson
Item: DTB965EBK
In 55 essays, Jean tackles issues ranging from the nature vs nurture debate, to the role of dominance in domestic dogs, to what are the most effective ways to train dogs. Along with her other best selling books, Oh Behave! is destined to be a classic in the literature on dog behavior.
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

62.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB527_a.jpgEBOOK: ON TALKING TERMS WITH DOGS - CALMING SIGNALS, 2ND EDITION, by Turid Rugaas
Item: DTB527EBK
By a noted expert on canine body language, notably “calming signals.” These are signals dogs give each other - and humans - that denote stress. These are the dogs’ attempt to defuse situations that otherwise might result in fights or aggression.
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB989_a.jpgEBOOK: BARKING - THE SOUND OF A LANGUAGE, by Turid Rugaas
Item: DTB989EBK
In this book, author Turid Rugaas, well known for her work on identifying and utilizing canine “calming signals,” turns her attention to understanding and managing barking behavior.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information
64.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/dtb844_a.jpgEBOOK: MY DOG PULLS - WHAT DO I DO?, by Turid Rugaas
Item: DTB844EBK
Easy to follow instructions that teach you a kind and effective method for encouraging dogs to walk on leash without pulling.
Price: $9.49  Click HERE for more information

65.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB984_A.gifEBOOK: POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2 - KNOW YOUR DOG, TRAIN YOUR DOG, by Pat Miller
Item: DTB984EBK
Dogwise Publishing is pleased to reunite again with Pat Miller for the publication of her second volume of Positive Perspectives, a collection of her recent articles. This collection is more advanced than volume one, with particular emphasis on understanding the latest in canine behavioral research so that you can become a more effective trainer and/or owner.
Price: $11.95  Click HERE for more information

66. http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB989_a.jpgEBOOK: BARKING - THE SOUND OF A LANGUAGE, by Turid Rugaas
Item: DTB989EBK
In this book, author Turid Rugaas, well known for her work on identifying and utilizing canine “calming signals,” turns her attention to understanding and managing barking behavior.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


67.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1049_a.jpgEBOOK: THE THINKING DOG - CROSSOVER TO CLICKER TRAINING, by Gail Fisher
Item: DTB1049EBK
It is a joy to work with a dog who actively engages in the learning process—not blindly following orders—but actively problem-solving with you. Cooperation between human and dog will help you build a relationship that will surprise you in its depth and versatility and Thinking Dog is your roadmap!
Price: $13.95  Click HERE for more information

70.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DKN142_a.jpgEB   68.EBOOK:MINDING YOUR DOG BUSINESS - A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO BUSINESS SUCCESS FOR DOG PROFESSIONALS, by Veronica Boutelle and Rikke Jorgensen
Item: DKN142EBK
Setting up and running a successful dog-related business is an achievement in itself (one addressed from A to Z in Veronica Boutelle’s first book, How to Run a Dog Business - Putting Your Career Where Your Heart Is) but the real test is to build success and growth for the long haul.
Price: $9.99Click HERE for more information

71.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1126_a.jpgEB   69. EBOOK : CHASE! - MANAGING YOUR DOG’S PREDATORY INSTINCTS, by Clarissa von Reinhardt
Item: DTB1126EBK
Almost every dog has some degree of prey drive — it’s in his genes — some more than others. You may experience it when your otherwise well mannered dog suddenly takes off chasing after a rabbit, squirrel, or a jogger. The old approach to solving this problem involved the use of “corrective” devices like choke chains and electronic fences. A better approach includes training and management techniques that reward your dog for choosing to focus on and stay near you, the owner.
Price: $9.99Click HERE for more information

72.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB1090_a.jpgEB  70. EBOOK: DOGS ARE FROM NEPTUNE, 2ND EDITION, by Jean Donaldson
Item: DTB1090EBK
New expanded edition from Dogwise Publishing! Jean Donaldson is dogdom’s most influential dog trainer and behaviorist and a bestselling author. In 41 essays, Jean highlights the common and frequently wrong-headed notions people have about why dogs behave the way they do, and explains what really motivates your pooch and how to change behavior. The new edition is substantially updated with many new essays that are sure to both inform and delight you.
Price: $9.50Click HERE for more information


71.http://www.dogwise.com/Photos/Small/DTB918_a.jpgEBOOK: VISITING THE DOG PARK - HAVING FUN, STAYING SAFE, by Cheryl Smith
Item: DTB918EBK
Dog parks can be a wonderful way to give your dog exercise as well as social and mental stimulation. They are also a great place to meet dog-friendly people and pets. Dog park design, rules of etiquette, and conflict resolution all play an important role in making your visit a positive and safe experience. Find out how to make the most of these opportunities.
Price: $9.49Click HERE for more information


 Problems with your dog? It may be his thyroid! If your dog is lethargic, losing his hair, gaining weight or suddenly becomes aggressive, perhaps the last thing you (or your vet!) would think about is his thyroid. Unfortunately, however, thyroid disorders can cause literally dozens of health and behavioral problems in dogs and frequently go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed. And the real tragedy is that most thyroid problems are treatable with the right medical care and a well-informed owner can often minimize the chance of a thyroid disorder occurring in the first place.
Price: $9.49 Click HERE for more information