Dog Training: in home training


PullingonleashThere are many benefits to you and your puppy or adult dog of an 'in-home' private lesson before going for a street walk, going to the dog park or considering group classes:

1. There are far fewer distractions at home compared to classes or dog parks. To obtain rock-solid behaviour outdoors, especially 'come when called', every behaviour should be taught and practised indoors first. If they are not they will always be unreliable and collapse under the pressure of distractions.

Your kitchen, garage or back garden are the best initial training classrooms. Your dog is more likely to be calm and able to learn quickly and permanently if he is not put too soon into an over-stimulating group situation.

2. You and your dog will be unstressed and able to think. If taught properly, step by step and not pushed too fast, he will be able to learn many behaviours that he performs reliably at home before going to school. 

 Dogs without solid foundations at home that are put too soon into a group situation - which is done for the wrong reason (i.e."I want my dog to be socialised!") - are often so aroused or frightened that no useful learning of desired behaviours can possibly take place.

3. You and all your family will quickly acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for teaching your dog the behaviours needed to become an obedient, safe, well mannered family member.

 You will soon be able to take him for enjoyable walks, go to the dog park or - if you wish to reach a higher level and practice already learned behaviours with distractions - attend classes.

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4. Your dog will belong to a family whose members are all consistent with their words and hand signals and can all communicate effectively. 

Dogs with inconsistent owners will be 'disobedient' because they are confused - and will likely always be bossy around the house and lack social skills around other dogs and people

You will avoid making the common mistakes that are the cause for so many dogs being rehomed or sent to the RSPCA and other animal shelters.

 5.Your dog won't be stressed by joining a group obedience class too early and being exposed to a multitude of overwhelming sights, sounds and smells.

Any existing behavioural problems, such as fear-based aggression towards other dogs can quickly become worse - especiallay if any punishment based methods are used or recommended.

6. You won't be stressed or embarrassed by your dog's unruly behaviour, if any, in front of other owners and their dogs.

7. Your time and money won't be wasted listening to other people getting help for issues that do not apply to your dog.

8. You will save on cost of and travel time driving to and from weekly group classes.


 9. You and your dog will both be on right the path to success after just one in-home coaching session with an experienced C.L.E.A.R Dog Training instructor-teacher. This session will be a wise long-term investment in your dog's future behaviour- wellness.

10.  Once your dog has learned the basic behaviours first at home there are many benefits of taking the show on the road. We will provide you with recommendations of when and what to do next, what to avoid doing and where to go.



If you would like our assistance with your puppy or your insufficiently trained teenager or adult dog please contact us on 0468 990 050 to arrange a suitable time.