Servicing Brisbane’s Eastern Suburbs, Queensland.

What clients have to say

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And yes, CLEAR's positive training methods do work. Here is what one recent happy foundation client had to say:
"We met Caroline from CLEAR Training a couple of weeks after we adopted our rescue Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Archie. He came from a background with no boundaries and after being moved a few times from home to home was stressed with lots of reactivity issues.   
"Caroline tailored a session for all our needs. Using the strategies she has given us he has turned into a different dog, and it was wonderful to see the change and confidence grow immediately. Since that first session we have had no more accidents inside and he no longer barks at everything that moves or makes a noise, or rushes through doors.  
"We now have a fantastic, loving relationship and he is much more confident in our leadership. The sessions with Caroline have consolidated our bond. We cannot thank her enough."
Adrian, Cath and Archie 

Contact Us


7 Lahey Close, Wynnum
Qld 4178

Phone: 0468 990 050

Mobile : 0468 990 050

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our professional memberships and affiliations

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Business Opportunities

C.L.E.A.R Dog Training was established in Brisbane in 2001 and has become well respected by veterinarians, veterinary behaviourists, animal welfare shelters, breeders, breed rescue groups, pet stores and other dog trainers.

In order to be able to properly service potential customers around the country and give them a greater choice of how and where they want to train their dogs, we are interested in talking to qualified instructors who share our training philosophy.

People have been using our services for private lessons and group classes, at the rate of  500+ per year from the Brisbane Metropolitan area. Many have been travelling for a two - three hour round trip from the Bay Islands, The Gold Coast, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast and Gatton in the west.

Students from the University of Queensland's Veterinary Science School have been coming to us for work experience, as have students (x 12)  studying for the Delta Society Australia's Certificate IV in Behavioural Dog Training.

Several of our ablest and keenest first time puppy owners have completed our training courses and then attended our in-home 'people training', workshops and seminars before eventually becoming assistant and lead instructor's at CLEAR.

Some of them have moved on to replicate our systems and procedures and successfully spread the positive reinforcement training message at Vet puppy schools and dog classes, Pet Stores or at their own dog training schools.

Initially 90% of CLEAR's business originated from Yellow Pages advertising. Almost ten years later 90% of it is from vet referrals, client referrals and repeat customers.

Our newly upgraded website has a page one ranking in Google for 'Dog Trainers Brisbane' and 'Puppy school Brisbane' and is number one in the other search engines. As a result we are currently receiving 1000 + visits per week from South East Queensland as well as around the country and around  the globe.

Our local enquiry rate has more than doubled. Business resulting from Internet enquiry is soon likely to overtake referrals as our main source of business.

As the dog-owning public becomes more knowledgeable people are increasingly looking for training methods that are an alternative to traditional training. This increased demand could readily be extended to other regional and metropolitan areas.

The people we are interested in talking to in order to satisfy this demand may already be in business and want to increase their client base. Or they may wish to reduce the considerable time delays and start up costs of establishing a new business, including developing a website, and hit the ground running.

[By having an immediate and effective Internet presence, together with established and proven procedures, they will be well ahead of the competition and instantly able to provide superior customer service.]

They must enjoy adult education, have excellent communication and people skills and want to run their own business in association with and under the umbrella of CLEAR Dog Training.

If interested in further details please send a brief resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..